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Louis XV Style Marble Fireplace Surround

Classic white marble Louis the XV style fireplace surround with a detailed floral mantel header and rounded fluting trimming the firebox. The mantel legs sit on plinths and feature acanthus leaves a verdant pattern carved into draped roping.

72″w x 48″h x 19 1/2″d.

Good condition.



1 in stock

Louis XV Style Marble Fireplace Surround

Classic white marble Louis the XV style fireplace surround with a detailed floral mantel header and rounded fluting trimming the firebox. The mantel legs sit on plinths and feature acanthus leaves a verdant pattern carved into draped roping.

72″w x 48″h x 19 1/2″d.

Good condition.



1 in stock


Louis XV Style Marble Fireplace Surround


1 in stock